Today is special…eight years ago today, I received my coaching certification and Beyond the Arena began!

As I start my ninth year in business, I’m reflecting on the wild ride and fulfilling journey it’s been to work with over 1,000 people from all walks of life…

* divorced women in mid-life awakening
* disgruntled employees at corporate jobs who dream of owning their own business
* retired women who want to rediscover their next chapters/true passions
* teenage boys being bullied at school (and not able to open up in traditional therapy)
* women and teenage girls in eating disorder recovery
* college students trying to figure out their career paths
* Wells Fargo executives needing team-building and leadership skills
* adolescent girls in recovery from sex trafficking seeking trust and self-acceptance

and many more…

Even though all these people experience different challenges, there’s a common thread:

Everyone’s seeking connection and self-compassion, and the secret is through vulnerability and courage.

What helps you unlock vulnerability and courage?

Connecting with horses. These magnificent animals help you turn the key, and I’ve witnessed it 1,000+ times in the past eight years.

Here’s what else I’ve discovered since starting making the leap to do what I love:

1. Experience is the best teacher.

Often people take a Ready, Aim, Aim, Aim approach with their dreams. They’re afraid to fire because they fear the unknown. However…

“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought,” says Marie Forleo.

Start before you’re ready and you’ll figure it out as you go. (I’m still doing this — even years later.)

2. Don’t give up! Challenges are part of the journey. 

I’ll never forget leading my first women’s group. I spent months advertising it, received positive responses from those who wanted to attend and set up 10 chairs in the arena with extreme optimism.

Turns out…one woman showed up. I was mortified and felt like a failure.

But I realized I had a choice: I could cancel the group OR give this woman the best damn private session ever. I chose the latter…


…and this woman went on to spread the word, attend every group thereafter, bring her company for an equine corporate team building event, attend two Unbridled Retreats, and become one of my best referral sources to this day.

When things don’t turn out as you’d hoped or expected, DON’T GIVE UP.

3. Become friends with FEAR.

You don’t have to be fearless, but you do have to take action in spite of fear. Only when you face your fears can you overcome them.


4. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

You have to live outside your comfort zone and try new things to create your dream. Staying comfortable and operating the way you always have will keep you stuck.

5. Criticism won’t kill you…it can make you stronger. 

Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s ok.

Last year, I received a 13 paragraph email criticizing me and my work. It was an incredible learning opportunity to face my deep-rooted fear of not being liked.

As a result, I discovered I won’t crumble when someone doesn’t like me or approve of what I’m doing. It was a life-changing and liberating experience and gave me more confidence that I can handle whatever comes my way.

6. Take the advice of mentors and coaches, and above all else, LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITION.

7. Making the transition from a job to a career you love is possible, and give yourself time.

I had a full-time real estate career and built Beyond the Arena simultaneously for 3.5 years before I “made the leap” and left real estate behind. More in the video below…

8. Make a decision and commit to it. 

COMMIT to your dream and the changes you want to make in your life, and START. This is one of my favorite quotes ever because it’s so true:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” – William Hutchison Murray

9. Replace overthinking with ACTION.

Daily small steps are key. Take at least one action a day toward your dream. Make a call. Send an email. Create a flyer. Take someone for coffee and tell them about your idea. Interview someone who does what you want to do. One small step a day equals 365 steps in a year toward your dream!

It doesn’t happen overnight, but it DOES happen over time if you stick with it.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey.

To patience, wisdom, and leaps of faith,
