How to Embrace Uncertainty
Recently, my life has been in flux with lots of uncertainty.
I gave my 30 days notice at the ranch where I live and work and I don’t know where I’m moving yet. It’s the right decision, to move on. My intuition had been telling me to do it for months yet I was paralyzed in not knowing my next steps. Tired of feeling scared of the unknown and sick to my stomach by not acting on my intuition, I woke up on Friday, pushed past my fear, called the landlord, and spoke my truth.
The moment I hung up, a huge weight lifted…a clear sign that I’m moving in the right direction, although I don’t know where I’m moving.
Before I gave notice, the one requirement I gave myself was to secure a temporary place for me and my animals, which I did. It’s a last resort but gave me the cojones to give my notice and know that in the worst case scenario, Detail, Playboy, Namo, Charley and I wouldn’t end up homeless and barnless.
Once the temporary safety net was in place, I had nothing to lose, except the growing knot in my stomach.
Uncertainty stretches you Outside your Comfort Zone
I’m independent, stubborn, and proud aka I don’t like asking for help. However, being uncertain about where I’m ultimately going to live and work (and having a 30 day deadline), lit a fire under me. I’ve reached out to friends, family, and people in the horse community asking for suggestions of places to relocate. You never know who knows somebody who has a nice home for rent and a ranch with an indoor arena.
Instead of trying to figure this all out on my own (old habit), I’ve stretched outside my comfort zone and asked for what I want and need. As a result, people have been kind and helpful and have not looked down on me, as I feared they would if they found out that I don’t have my entire life figured out.
Here’s the secret…NONE OF US HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT. It feels vulnerable to ask for help and suggestions AND I’m realizing how many people are eager to help. By reaching out, I’ve gained great ideas and referrals, and most importantly, let other people in, especially when my life isn’t “perfect”.
It’s not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. It is part of being alive, something we all share. – Pema Chodron
Uncertainty makes you Re-evaluate your Life
Uncertainty has been an opportunity to take stock of my life. It’s made me look around and re-evaluate the way I’ve been living. I’m proud of the business I’ve created and the impact Unbridled Retreats has on helping others. In the midst of building a business, my living conditions have taken a back seat and I’ve been roughing it a bit the past 3 years. What once worked for me, no longer does, and I’m ready to evolve my standards from a shower stall, to a shower with a bathtub.
I went to my financial planner a few weeks ago and she looked me in the eye and said “You’ve paid your dues. You should have a dishwasher.” I laughed and agreed.
It’s time to upgrade my life and I’m looking for a place that has the amenities I desire…a washer/dryer, bathtub, dishwasher, and a strong WiFi connection. I don’t know how my desires will manifest but I’m certain about the living conditions I’ve outgrown, and what I’m not willing to settle for.
“Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty.” – John Huston Finley
Uncertainty teaches you to Trust and Have Faith
To address uncertainty and boost my manifesting mojo, I went on a shopping trip to Micheals for a small keepsake box, posterboard, and a glue stick.
Taking Tosha Silver’s advice, author of Outrageous Openness, I’ve created a God Box to write my worries on strips of paper and then put them in the box. It’s a tangible tool to release my worries, get out of my own way, and allow the Universe to do her thing.
I’ve also created an updated vision board, and written myself a check for the amount of money I want to make in a year, taping it above my bed as a reminder.
Feeling uncertain has propelled me into taking action steps that deepen my faith in the Universe. I’m learning to trust that what the Universe has in store for me, may not be what my ego has in store for me…gulp…and that’s ok.
“When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” – Author unknown
Uncertainty is inevitable and we can fear it or embrace it. I’m looking outside right now and I’m uncertain when will the muddy road dry out? Where will I end up living long-term? When will I meet my soulmate? When am I going to…? The list goes on and on.
I’m not certain of the answers but I am certain that by honoring my intuition, taking action, reaching out, and trusting the process…the path will be revealed, one step at a time.
Seeking horse ranch and beautiful home with clawfoot tub,