Want to instantly feel better? Try this…


This morning I was tossing and turning and got up at 3:12am and could not go back to sleep. It was because of a couple of things.

I was focused on feeling alone and not having a special someone to share my life with (a “lack of” thought).

I also believe and have experienced that NOTHING we want ever manifests if we come at it from a “lack” mentality.

So I don’t like to dwell there too long.

I also had lots on my mind from our Women’s Connection Group last night at the ranch.

Mostly around gratitude. It was a hot topic in the group.

Before the sun rose over the ranch, I got out of bed and did something about it.

I went over and hugged my dog Namo, who was contently sleeping on his dog bed.

He extended a paw out at me and took a deep breath and promptly went back to doggie dreaming. He warmed my heart and made me smile.

Then I went outside to look at the stars. Nature always leaves me in awe and gets me out of my “lack” thoughts. Especially a starry night.

More so, I feel connected to something beyond myself and I experience GRATITUDE.

“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.” ~Neale Donald Walsch

When I focus on what I don’t have, I’m miserable. My energy plummets. My mood and thoughts can spiral down real fast if I allow it.

So I have to flip the switch. To gratitude. To what I DO have. To what’s right in front of me.

It raises my energy and mood instantly and put things into a new perspective.

The world looks a lot brighter through the lens of gratitude.

For me, gratitude saves the day, every time. I sometimes forget that I can always access it.

So I started to name things that always make me feel better.

I call them my “gratitude touchstones”.

Here are the two recent examples of my go-to gratitude touchstones:

This sweet face that I look over and see in his dog bed each morning aka Namo. My hearts bursts with gratitude for this dog and I squeeze him and tell him that every day.

gratitude 1

As it got a little lighter out, I snapped this pic. It’s the horses grazing in the crisp morning air, before the sun rises. Their peaceful presence touches the depths of my soul. #immensegratitude

horses yo

Animals and nature. Those are my two gratitude touchstones that never fail.

What helps you flip the switch to gratitude?

Is it a quote? Is it a picture of a calming image? Is it looking to the mountains? A piece of jewelry that holds meaning for you?

Or maybe it’s a literal “Gratitude” stone like the ones we had in the arena last night for our Women’s Connection Group. Stones are awesome because they carry lots of energy and you can keep them in your purse or pocket!


I suggest making it something that you have easy access to. It might even be walking outside. Breathing in fresh air.

When I’m in nature or with animals (especially both at the same time), I surrender to gratitude and feel better instantly.

The “lack” feelings are ushered out and replaced with something much more powerful…GRATITUDE for what is, for what I do have.

I’d love to hear in the comments below what your gratitude touchstones are.

If you don’t have one yet, that’s cool too.

Just notice what ALWAYS makes you feel better on the inside. That’s a good place to start. Then you can name it and begin a daily practice of tuning into your gratitude touchstones more often. Whenever you need them.

Gratitude is where it’s at.

In gratitude, clearly:)… (I’m smiling as I type this because I love the way gratitude feels),


6 replies
    • admin
      admin says:

      I’m glad to hear it Terrilynn! Thanks for reading and timing is everything, huh? “Sadie” says hi by the way:) xo

  1. Delora Comfort
    Delora Comfort says:

    Have had a gratitude journal for years and I love going back and reading what I have written. Love this picture of Namo!

    • admin
      admin says:

      Delora Comfort I LOVE that you read your gratitude journal, that is such a good idea…maybe you can start a new journal for 2014?! Isn’t Namo the cutest boy ever:)

  2. Lauren
    Lauren says:

    YOU, Devon, have always inspired me since the very first time I saw you speak at SUMMIT two years ago. You have a special presence and beauty that I drink in! I love your spirit and heart.

    My touchstone is all of the horses in my life and, of course, my sweet angel dog, Khaki, who is no longer with me in body but always by my side in spirit!

    • admin
      admin says:

      Lauren, thank you for your kind words, I’m touched by what you shared. I have loved crossing trails with you as well and what a gift you are to humans and horses alike!

      Thank you for sharing and especially about Khaki…I can feel the special bond you two will always have. Simply beautiful.


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