Do you feed your Soul or your Ego?

Since moving to the ranchette, I’ve softened. My energy has softened, my voice has softened and my body has softened.

I’ve started living in alignment with who I truly am.


When I’m on the phone, my friends tell me that my voice is less intense. I’m not trying so hard and pushing to make things happen.

I’ve found a new rhythm.

It doesn’t involve cable, constant Starbucks runs, a real estate career and frequent happy hours like my city life did. That rhythm fed my ego and kept me going at an unnatural pace. Constantly striving and driving.

The satisfaction was fleeting. It looked good from the outside. It worked ok. But it didn’t feel right.

My current rhythm is much more in sync with my true nature.

It involves waking up without an alarm clock, going to bed around ten, caring for horses, ranch chores, looking at the stars, building relationships in the community, expressing my gifts and pouring my heart into Unbridled Retreats and then letting go of the outcome.

I’ve stopped pushing, forcing and hunting down what I want. Thank god because I was repelling people, business opportunities and potential romantic relationships away. My masculine energy had over ridden my feminine energy and it was an energetic turn off.

Somewhere along the way I had picked up the belief that I couldn’t be vulnerable, feminine, soft AND pursue my dreams and achieve success at the same time.

Nature and the ranchette have taught me differently.

That I can’t control everything. That it’s ok to stop holding on so tightly. That the weather is going to change. That the sun is still going to come out. That it’s safe to surrender. Surrender to my calling and my true nature. That’s my new definition of success.

Coming from that perspective, new business has come in unexpected ways. No surprise really. I finally got out of my own way. I let go of how I was convinced things SHOULD look and started trusting how they are naturally meant to unfold. Easier said then done but I’ve got  a great mentor: Nature.

Nature’s got it figured out. I’ve started following her lead.

I still do what needs to be done but then I let go. My energy has shifted and that has made all the difference.

I’ve also shifted into gratitude. I can’t help it. It’s too beautiful here.

I was sweeping out the barn last week. All the doors were open and there was a breeze coming through. I could hear the horses contently munching hay outside in the paddock. A huge wave of gratitude overcame me. It brought me down to my knees in the middle of the barn. Tears streamed down my face and gratitude busted me wide open.

I’ve never felt so alive. So connected.

I feel nourished and full. My body has softened. My natural curves have filled in and I FEEL whole, beautiful and feminine. I feel like the woman I’m meant to be.

When my soul is fed everything else seems to fall into place.

What feeds your soul?

Until you try something new, you never know what the outcome will be. That’s the catch, you never know until you answer the call and FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION.

Why else are we here if not to do what makes your soul happy? It’s not selfish. What’s selfish is compromising who you are and holding back from sharing your natural gifts with the world.

I’m not saying it’s easy to let go of your comfort zone, the familiar, what you THINK you need in order to feel successful, happy and content. But it is worth exploring.

You may be surprised at what you need to thrive.

For me, it was less stuff, more nature. Less striving, more trusting and allowing.

Once you start feeding your soul and aligning with your true nature, the universe responds. I guarantee it. My ego kept me in the city. My intuition brought me to the ranchette.

Trust your intuition and find what feeds your soul. Then immerse yourself in it as much as possible. Your life will change for the better.



9 replies
  1. Loree eliot
    Loree eliot says:

    As always, your observations are right on the mark and perfectly timed! I needed to read this today, thank you Friend 💝

    • Devon
      Devon says:

      Thanks, Amy! I’ve learned softening is a daily practice, and first and foremost, we have to be gentle with ourselves 🙂 xo

  2. Tina Hanson
    Tina Hanson says:

    Devon, this is so beautiful and I feel it. You made me feel your your pain and struggle and I feel your joy in gratitude. It is the simple things that become so joyous. Thank you for sharing this beautiful note from your heart to us. I’ve seen it too!


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