Entries by Unbridled Retreats

My three minute public speech in SILENCE

Imagine standing in front of a room of people for three minutes and saying absolutely nothing. Just standing there. Making eye contact. Breathing. Connecting. No words. This is what I signed up to do, yes, paid for, in a class I attended called Soul Speaks. Throughout the class, each person has three individual turns to stand […]

Sarcasm to avoid intimacy

I was going to write about the beautiful snow this morning but something else is on the forefront. What’s going on is I like a guy. His name is “J” and he has big muscles and writes poetry. Yesterday he shared some of his poetry with me and it was deep. Thoughtful. Spoke right to […]

You Have Permission

I recently read a poem aloud at the Montana Retreat and I got chills because IT’S THAT GOOD. The poem strikes a deep chord for me, and I have a feeling it may resonate for you too. It’s called “You Have Permission” by Leonie Dawson… “Today, and everyday, you have permission. You have permission. You have permission to say no […]

How I Danced Away My Fear

Last Saturday night I called my friends to go out dancing and nobody was available. I was bummed because I really wanted to go out, and my intuition was nudging me to dance. I couldn’t bear staying in another night, zoning out to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I had a choice: take myself out […]